Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property

The law states:

Copyrights protect creative works that are either printed or digital. Common examples that fall under copyright are literary works, images or photographs, and movies.
Trademarks protect a word, phrase, mark, symbol, or logo used to identify the source of goods as a particular company — essentially, any branding. Think, for example, of the apple on Apple computers.
Patents protect inventions. Inventors may patent a process or method, a machine, a manufactured article, or a new pharmaceutical.
Trade secrets are just what they sound like—the inner workings of a business, often protected by nondisclosure agreements signed by employees. Trade secrets are common in the research and development industry and may include formulas, client lists, and processes and methods. The recipe for Coca-Cola is the classic example of a trade secret.
Copyright infringement: Someone has used your creative work—words or images, most likely—without your permission. In this case, if you haven't already registered your copyright with the European Copyright Office, you should consider doing so in order to recover damages in the federal court system.

What is the difference betweenintellectual property and copyright?


The terms “copyright” and “intellectual property” are often used interchangeably. However, copyright is just a part of the scope of intellectual property, as are trade marks, patents, and designs. Intellectual property (IP) describes a form of property which is the intangible output of the human creative mind.

What Is Intellectual Property?

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Intellectual property is a broad categorical description for the set of intangible assets owned and legally protected by a company or individual from outside use or implementation without consent. An intangible asset is a non-physical asset that a company or person owns.
The concept of intellectual property relates to the fact that certain products of human intellect should be afforded the same protective rights that apply to physical property, which are called tangible assets. Most developed economies have legal measures in place to protect both forms of property.



Copyrights provide authors and creators of original material the exclusive right to use, copy, or duplicate their material. Authors of books have their works copyrighted as do musical artists. 
A copyright also states that the original creators can grant anyone authorization through a licensing agreement to use the work.

What Is Intellectual Property Used for?


Intellectual property can be used for various reasons, such as branding and marketing, as well as to protect assets that give a competitive advantage.

What are considered as a violation of the intellectual property?


Violations of intellectual property infringement includes
Creating a logo or name meant to confuse buyers into thinking they're buying the original brand.

IP Protection


IP Patents: Inventions, industrial designs, computer code
Trademarks:Unique identifiers for a business or its products or services (e.g., logos, brand names)
Copyrights: Works of authorship, including books, poems, films, music, photographs,online content
Artistic works
● A novel● A poem● A photograph● A movie● Lyrics to a song● A musical composition in the form of sheet music● A sound recording● A painting● Designs● A plan for a building
● Computer software application● Software code for a programming tool or software application● Software code for a website● Software code that manages a database
● A database● Text of a marketing plan or business plan● Numbers and calculations in a financial forecast● Architectural plans● Annual reports● A manual for the operation of equipment● Technical specifications for a device● Business proposals● Letters and emails sent by a business
Infringements of intellectual property rights

What data is collected and why?

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