Digital marketing strategy isn’t as scary as you think.

Scalable, measurable lead generation, 24/7.



The data will show you where youcan grow.

There is so much complexity when it comes to digital marketing, but what it does provide are scale and accountability. It removes geographic boundaries and reduces the need for traditional marketing channels like radio and TV that provide vague data at best.
Like all strategies, it’s about finding what your customer is using and then supporting their needs with your offering. You will be aware that the habitual use of mobile devices provides the perfect gateway to connect with your potential customers, anywhere, at any time. 
Can you afford not to be there?

How to plan a successful digital
marketing strategy?

Understand Your Customer

Different target markets use digital tools in very different ways, your job is to understand that behaviour and leverage it.

Not All Data Is Equal

Before you start any digital activity, define what numbers are important to track, not all large numbers are equal.

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Test Test Test and Test Again

Start small and track everything. As the data provides insights, respond to them quicky and scale.

Timing Is Everything

The great thing about digital strategy is that you can activate it in line with your customer’s habits.

What is a digital marketing strategy?

In reality, you cannot ignore the digital world. If you do, you let your competitors gain ground. You don’t need to start big, but you do need to start.

Digital Platforms


Digital Tools

    Search engine optimisation.
    Search engine marketing.
    Google Ads.
    Display advertising.
    Augmented reality.
    Content marketing.
    Sales funnels.

Are you ready to grow online, but need help?

Get in touch and start the process of understanding how you canbenefit from digital marketing.

The illusionof scale.

Unlike billboards or newspapers, digital marketing is not reserved for big budgets.
Find the right platform and resource and you can generate significant leads, brand awareness and results, no matterhow small your business.


Digital does not replace the need for human interaction, it is a tool, not the golden goose.

Find YourTribe

Not all platforms are equal, do your research and find out where your customers hang out.

Are Easy Clicks

Getting someone to your website is the start, you have to build trust for them to take action.

Things Change, Quickly

Once you have found a vein of gold, don’t assume it will be there for every, evolve, be proactive.


  • What's involved with digital marketing?

    This is like asking “how long is a piece of string” as there is no right answer. The answer depends on YOUR BUSINESS. I treat every business differently because no two businesses – even if they operate in the same industry – are the same. 
    Let’s apply that logic to your business and that of your biggest competitor. Yes, you’re targeting the same audience and you offer a similar product or service but that’s it. Their website is developed differently to yours. It could be older/younger than your site. They might have more/less backlinks and they might have better/worse conversion rates compared to your site. 
    A digital marketing strategy that involves an intensive link building and content marketing campaign might be all you need whilst your competitor might make more gains investing in Google Ads. 
    The list of differences go on and on.

  • What exactly does Digital Marketing freelancer actually do?

    A good digital marketing professional will get to know your business inside out. They will assess the traffic that your website is getting and establish the best online marketing platforms to invest in. Part of a digital marketing strategy should involve continual evaluation to ensure a client is maintaining the perfect balance between their marketing spend and the results they’re getting.
    I do all of that but, unlike agencies, I or my team isn’t just focused on maintaining that perfect balance. The sole objective is to crush your competitors, turn website visitors into buyers and bring you the biggest ROI possible using the most effective marketing strategies available.

  • Do you work with big or small companies?

    Are you serious about scaling your operations and dominating your market space? I'll be happy to work with you.
    Do you want to plug into a team of marketers, digital strategists, designers, and developers who will help you to smash your growth goals and make the kind of ROI that will leave you shouting from the rooftops? We can work with you.
    Do you understand the value of spending €1 to make €5? we can work with you.

  • How do I know that I will get a return on my investment?

    Because I put the money where my mouth is and I make BIG guarantees that other marketing agencies don’t. Go check out my individual service pages for more information on what guarantees I offer.

  • Why is a solid digital marketing partner?

    Let us just say this… Marketers lie, numbers don’t. So instead of trying to convince you, we’re the best digital marketing agency around…here are the stats:
    (numbers being researched now)
    ● .... in sales generated.● ... different industries and niches.● ... reviews (average of 4.7 stars)● ... new clients created.● ... working vigorously to win awards (and aiming for consecutive years in a row)

    You see, most digital marketing agencies talk a good game, but when is all said and done, they don’t use the very same internet marketing services they prescribe to their clients (digital marketing, SEO, Facebook ads and sales funnel etc) to grow their own business.
    Which is HUGE telltale sign to run for the hills!
    Anyhoo. If you’re looking for a digital marketing company that’s worth its weight…You should go check out our reviews here and see all the nice things our clients have said about the work we do.

  • Can you guarantee results?

    I offer guarantees for all of our traffic sources. Whether it’s Google Ads, Facebook marketing, or SEO, I put my money where our mouth is; if I don’t hit the agreed-upon targets, I don’t get paid.

Time to take action.

Our approach to brand strategy is to focus on the core needs of the business – understanding the current strengths and weaknesses or looking for future growth opportunities.


Do you need clarity on where your business is and where it is heading?
Start Here >

Content Strategy

Do you need to build your content to support your
digital strategy?

Start Here >

Find your voice.

People want to hear what you have to say!