
Turn Business Challenges into Opportunities with Branding Workshops.

We help you focus on the three big strategic objectives that will make a long-term difference. 

Define your opportunities and take action.

Time and time again, we heard from business owners that they were too busy to plan. Guess why they are busy? Because they fail to make the time to plan.
In our experience, many leaders don’t have a strategic plan because they work in the business and not on it. You know what you do and are good at it, but you struggle to define the big picture and look into the future.
Give yourself and your team time to understand your opportunities.


Branding Workshop Process

As a brand workshop-aholic we'll start by identifying core components of your brand. Then, branch out and work through the rest of your business needs with tools and tips from our community.
We will lay the foundation for the design phase in three simple steps.



Brand Discovery Survey

This survey will give you the chance to get your thoughts in order. Here, you will be guided through a series of questions about your business, its characteristics and goals.

Once your survey answers have been received, they will form the basis for a detailed analysis into key themes and insights.



The workshop

The survey answers you provide will tailor the workshop process to your business needs.
Over the 2-3 day workshop period we will complete a total of 20 interactive exercises that will provide clarity to the key components of your business. These components include your unique selling point, target market, website strategy, messaging best practice and much more.



Design & production

Having defined your brand and production requirements in the workshop, you will receivea brand strategy document that charts a course for your brand moving forward.
Now it’s time to get to work on producing a remarkable brand that is designed to achieve measurable business goals.

It is from this gathering that many of today's modern brands are born.

Some Questions to concider?

Are you struggling to establish a brand that resonates with your audience?

Do you want to develop a brand strategy that connects with your customers? A branding workshop can help you achieve these goals. The branding workshop is the ultimate collaborative experience for developing brand strategies to develop the foundation and strategic direction for your brand. The branding workshop is a meeting to extract ideas, opinions, and creative expression from the leadership team. Here are the five objectives of a brand strategy workshop:

Why should I consider a brand workshop for my business?

First, let's define the sole purpose of the strategy workshop.
A brand strategy workshop is a collaborative process that aims to achieve several outcomes, with the creative and collaborative environment being just as important as the actual outcomes. 
The term "collaboration" is the key distinction here, as the workshop is designed to extract ideas, opinions, and creative expression from the leadership team to ensure that they are involved in the brand-building process and feel connected to the brand they will lead to success.
There are several objectives of a brand strategy workshop:
Goal 1: Extract leadership perspective. 
It is crucial that the leadership team feels a sense of ownership and connection to the brand they are building and intend to lead to success. Therefore, extracting the thoughts and ideas from the leaders early on in the process is a critical step in developing an aligned brand.
Goal 2: Guide the leadership to cohesion. 
Brand leaders often have differences of opinion, whether related to strategic direction, positioning, or even identity style. The collaborative environment of the branding workshop is designed to bring the team together, draw on each other's opinions and ideas, and agree on what the brand should mean. Brand strategists' people management skills often come to the fore in this aspect.
Goal 3: Define beliefs and values. 
The first and most effective exercise of the strategy session is defining the "why" behind the brand. This exercise forces the leadership team to look beyond the monetary or commercial interests of the business and brand and find a higher purpose for why the brand exists and why they do what they do. If executed well, this section of the workshop can quickly get everyone pulling in the same direction behind the same reason for being.
Goal 4: Set the strategic direction. 
One of the most critical goals of the workshop is to plot a direction on the map that the brand should head. Depending on the systems and processes of the strategist, the entire positioning strategy could be defined within this meeting, or the outcome could simply be ideas of general direction that can be refined later into a distinct differentiation strategy.
Goal 5: Gather the necessary information. 
During the brand strategy workshop, it is important that no stone is left unturned in defining the meaning and direction of the brand. This process cannot be skimmed over with a handful of questionnaire questions, as this approach will fail to achieve the ultimate goal of the workshop, which is the collaborative development of the strategic brand. Although further work will be completed away from the workshop environment, this work will be based on the information gathered during the strategy session.

I’m here to help clients do the following really well:

● Brand & naming architecture● Workshops – strategy & naming● Corporate & brand naming● Brand strategy & positioning● Management facilitation● Internal brand engagement● Management facilitation


Are you ready to realise your potential?

Make the time to create the strategy to achieve the results you want.

What Is A Brand Strategy Workshop? (Process Pros & Cons)

A brand strategy workshop is a meeting between the key business leaders and a brand strategist to develop the foundation and strategic direction of a brand. It is an environment of teamwork and creativity where ideas, opinions, and creative expressions are extracted from the leadership team to align them with the brand-building process and feel connected to the brand's vision.
The primary goal of a brand strategy workshop is collaboration, and the workshop aims to achieve several outcomes, including extracting leadership perspectives, guiding the leadership to cohesion, defining beliefs and values, setting the strategic direction, and gathering the necessary information.
One of the most effective exercises in a brand strategy workshop is defining the "why" behind the brand. This exercise forces the leadership team to look beyond the monetary or commercial interest of the business and brand, to find a higher purpose for why the brand exists and why they do what they do. If executed well, this section of the workshop can quickly get everyone pulling in the same direction behind the same reason for being.
The workshop environment is designed to bring the team together, draw on each other's opinion and ideas, and agree on what the brand should mean. Often, brand leaders have differences of opinion, whether it's related to strategic direction, positioning, or even the identity style. The collaborative environment of the branding workshop is designed to bridge those differences and align everyone behind the brand's vision.
While a brand strategy workshop can be an effective way to develop a brand strategy, it is not without its drawbacks. For example, some organizations may find the workshop process too time-consuming or expensive. Additionally, some teams may struggle to work collaboratively, which can hinder the workshop's effectiveness.
In conclusion, a brand strategy workshop is an excellent way to develop a brand strategy that aligns the entire organization behind a shared vision. While it may not be suitable for every organization, those that are willing to invest the time and resources required to conduct a workshop will likely see significant benefits in terms of improved collaboration, clarity, and alignment.

Extracting Valuable Insights: Objectives of a Brand Strategy Workshop

A brand strategy workshop is a collaborative process that aims to achieve several outcomes, with the creative and collaborative environment being just as important as the actual outcomes. The term "collaboration" is the key distinction here, as the workshop is designed to extract ideas, opinions, and creative expression from the leadership team to ensure that they are involved in the brand-building process and feel connected to the brand they will lead to success.
There are several objectives of a brand strategy workshop:
Goal 1: Extract leadership perspective. It is crucial that the leadership team feels a sense of ownership and connection to the brand they are building and intend to lead to success. Therefore, extracting the thoughts and ideas from the leaders early on in the process is a critical step in developing an aligned brand.
Goal 2: Guide the leadership to cohesion. Brand leaders often have differences of opinion, whether related to strategic direction, positioning, or even identity style. The collaborative environment of the branding workshop is designed to bring the team together, draw on each other's opinions and ideas, and agree on what the brand should mean. Brand strategists' people management skills often come to the fore in this aspect.
Goal 3: Define beliefs and values. The first and most effective exercise of the strategy session is defining the "why" behind the brand. This exercise forces the leadership team to look beyond the monetary or commercial interests of the business and brand and find a higher purpose for why the brand exists and why they do what they do. If executed well, this section of the workshop can quickly get everyone pulling in the same direction behind the same reason for being.
Goal 4: Set the strategic direction. One of the most critical goals of the workshop is to plot a direction on the map that the brand should head. Depending on the systems and processes of the strategist, the entire positioning strategy could be defined within this meeting, or the outcome could simply be ideas of general direction that can be refined later into a distinct differentiation strategy.
Goal 5: Gather the necessary information. During the brand strategy workshop, it is important that no stone is left unturned in defining the meaning and direction of the brand. This process cannot be skimmed over with a handful of questionnaire questions, as this approach will fail to achieve the ultimate goal of the workshop, which is the collaborative development of the strategic brand. Although further work will be completed away from the workshop environment, this work will be based on the information gathered during the strategy session.

How Long Does A Branding Workshop Take?

A branding workshop may take several days to complete or be completed within a few hours, depending on various factors.
This can typically be determined by several factors, including:
● The brand strategist process● The size of the client's team● The client's overall budget (determining how in-depth a team may go) ● The complexity or scope of the project
It's important to keep in mind that there is no single "best practice" when it comes to branding workshops. The branding industry is inherently creative, and different players use different processes and approaches to develop strategic brands for their clients. 
Embrace your creativity and don't feel constrained by the idea that branding workshops must follow a rigid structure.

A General overview of the Branding Workshop

The workshop agenda is one of the factors that determines the duration of a branding workshop. It typically includes a set of activities or exercises that are designed to help clients develop their brand strategy. The agenda may vary depending on the objectives of the workshop, the size of the client, and the scope of the project. Common elements of a branding workshop agenda include market research, brand positioning, brand messaging, and visual identity development. Workshops may also involve brainstorming sessions, group discussions, and presentations to help clients develop a shared understanding of their brand. The workshop agenda should be tailored to the specific needs of the client and should be flexible enough to accommodate changes or modifications as needed. To have a successful branding workshop, it is crucial to invest time and effort in designing an effective agenda.

A General overview of the Branding Workshop

● Introduction and icebreakers.● Overview of branding and its importance.● Identifying the client's target audience and brand positioning.● Conducting a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)● Developing the brand's messaging and tone of voice.● Creating the brand's visual identity, including logo, colour scheme, and typography.● Developing brand guidelines for consistency across all communications.● Crafting a brand story and narrative.● Identifying potential brand touchpoints and creating a plan for implementing the brand across all channels.● Reviewing and refining the brand strategy based on feedback and insights
The workshop's agenda will vary based on its objectives, scope, and the preferences of the brand strategist and client.


Build brand credibility for your business

Complete the brand discovery survey to define your brand strategy, market positioning and business goals.

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  • How effective can a day’s workshop be to resolve some key strategic or naming issues?

    Very, or not at all, depending on the nature of the problem, the time and resource that’s available and whether you want to be a part of it! I can advise on how to put together an effective strategic or creative workshop and facilitate.

  • How do I engage senior / middle management with the brand?

    Brand management starts with a CEO and their Board. I can help with senior management training to understand roles and how to champion a brand on the inside and out, as well as designing cascade programmes and working with middle management to embed a brand in an organisation.

  • How do I bring the brand to life across the organisation?

    Brands are created on the inside of an organisation, before impact can be made on the outside. Having staff engaged with your corporate brand and understanding how it can help them do better at work is key to bringing the brand to life externally. I can help design a process to communicate the brand and create ownership, as well as diagnosing gaps in an organisation’s internal processes, systems and resource around the brand.

  • How do I bring staff together and involve them in a re-branding /naming process?

    Every organisation is different when it comes to creating or re-focusing a brand. For some, involving their people in the direction of the brand they are expected to manage and deliver is crucial to success. I can propose a process and tactics that are right for your business, taking in to account practicalities and culture.

  • How do I rationalise an inefficient portfolio?

    The emergence over time of a plethora of brands, sub-brands and services behaving like brands can mean a portfolio pickle, including cost and management inefficiencies. I can help you design a process to review the commercial sense of your portfolio, conduct the review and then help create guidelines for creating products and services that need (or not) their own identity.

  • What should I call my business / brand?

    A brand can’t go far without an identity. I have been naming businesses and brands for over 20 years and love nothing more than a naming conundrum. I can also advise on how to achieve consensus internally and on considerations in the complicated field of Trade Mark law.

  • How do I design a naming process?

    There are many ways to approach a corporate or brand naming exercise, from facilitated workshops to engaging the services of a professional name-writer. I can give advice on the best approach for your business, based on time, budget and culture.

  • Whatʼs the ʻbig ideaʼ behind my business / brand?

    No brand can maximise opportunity without a clearly defined driving idea that informs its behaviours internally and externally. I can help you design the right process and then lead or be a part of your team to define the big idea and supporting elements.

  • What sort of ʻbrand modelʼ does my business / brand need?

    As humans and consumers we are all better at remembering two or three key things – and simple is powerful. Thinking about the commercial landscape, your sector and competitors I can help you decide which elements of a model will be most relevant for your brand. Vision, mission and values aren’t a one solution fits all.

  • Weʼre losing ground – whatʼs the problem(s)?

    Sometimes performance or customer feedback might point towards a problem with engagement or some element of your brand just not quite connecting. I can help you explore what a brand MOT would look like and how to ask the right questions. I can then ask them.

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